Heart Parts
Heart Parts
Students will investigate how blood circulates through the heart chambers, the parts of the heart, and its vessels.
Created by: Beth Wright
Irvine Unified School District
Resources Needed:
Attached web pages
Student Science notebook and pencil
Student computers with internet access
Large model of heart on playground or a large poster board model of the heart on the fourth linked web page
Ping pong balls, bean bags, 2 boxes, index cards with body part and heart part names.
Structure of the Heart
The heart is a muscular organ located just to the left of the breast bone (sternum). It is about the size of your fist, and this amazing muscle pumps 4300 gallons of blood a day. The heart has four chambers:
Atria. The top two chambers that receive blood from the body or lungs.
Ventricles. These are the bottom two chambers of the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen, The left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body and is the strongest chamber.
Valves. There are four valves in the heart that help to direct blood flow. As they open and close, the valves produce sounds that can be heard with a stethoscope. The heart sounds can often tell your doctor about your heart's function.
Function of the Heart
Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live and function. The role of the heart is to deliver the oxygen-rich blood to every cell in the body. The arteries are the passageways through which the blood is delivered. The largest artery is the aorta, which branches off the heart and then divides into many smaller arteries. The veins carry the deoxygenated blood back to the lungs to pick up more oxygen, and then back to the heart once again. Blood flows continuously through the circulatory system, and the heart muscle is the pump which makes it all possible!
Your Task:
Activity 1:
View a website to find out background on the heart and circulatory system. You will watch a 3 minute movie clip and answer a 3 minute quiz. Write answers to quiz in your Science notebook.
READ all directions before clicking on website:
a. Once you are on the web address below, click on Pick a Movie and use the arrow keys to select Heart.
b. Click on Play Movie. This movie is approximately 3 minutes long. When movie is finished, do the quiz.
c. Click on Play the Quiz This will take approximately 3 minutes.
d. When finished return to web page by pressing the BACK green arrow at the top left corner of the page.
Go to brainpop
Activity 2:
In this activity , you will be viewing a virtual tour of the heart. There are 3 parts to the tour.
READ all directions before clicking on website:
Once you open the linked webpage, click on English, human heart.
Then click on Heart parts and follow the directions. When you are done click on the Heart word on the bottom of the page.Then click on the animated heart and click on the parts to find out the name of each part. When you are done click on the Heart word at the bottom.
Last click on the Narrated tourand listen to the tour. When the first part finishes, click on the blue arrow to see the second half of the tour. Then return to this webpage by clicking on the BACK green arrow button at top of the page.
Click on: Medtropolis
Activity 3:
View this lesson on the parts of the heart and answer the questions on-line.
When finished press the BACK green arrow key to return to this webpage.
Click on: Kidport
Activity 4:
READ all directions before clicking on website:
View the heart on this webpage, and click on each label and read the descriptions of each part of the heart. Press BACK button after each word to return to the diagram.
You will use this information to fill in Activity 5.
When you are done press the BACK arrow key until you are back to this webpage.
To view a large diagram of the heart click here!
Activity 5:
You will be viewing a template of the heart. Write the numbers 1-9 on your science notebook and write the corresponding answers. Turn in your notebook.
Look at this diagram and write the numbers 1-9 on your notebook.
Activity 6:
READ all directions before clicking on website:
You will link to Puzzlemaker. Once in Puzzlemaker make a crossword puzzle using the vocabulary words you have learned in this lesson. You will need to input the meaning of your vocabulary, used within the context of a sentence or as a separate meaning.
Print 2 copies and have another student complete one for homework. Turn the first copy in with your name on it. Both student names need to appear on the second copy when it is turned in tomorrow.
When you have printed your puzzles, return to this webpage by pressing the BACK arrow several times.
Click on: Puzzlemaker
Extra Credit:
Find a website that will help you learn how the heart is connected to the rest of the body.
Write a short description and write down the website address in your Science notebook.
A Few Internet Resources:
Sheppard's Science Resources
Sheppard's Useful Links
Email: bwright@iusd.k12.ca.us
Created August 10, 2001
Last Revised August 16, 2001
Teacher Notes
Suggested Grade Level: 5 ??
Science Content Standards: Note the following are examples.
Grade 5: Investigation and Experimentation California Content Standards Life Sciences (2b, e)
2b - Students know how blood circulates through the heart chambers, lungs, and body and how carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the lungs and tissues.
2e - Students know how sugar, water, and minerals are transported in a vascular plant.
S.C.O.R.E. Lessons Standards Search by Grade and Subject
S.C.O.R.E. Standards and Framework
California Content Standards Grades K-12
California Content Standards Grades K-12 - Science - PDF Format
Students need a basic background in lab procedures, and cooperative team.
Students must have a basic understanding that the body has different systems to maintain its functions. Students will investigate and acquire information about the parts of the heart and what its function is to the human body by doing activities 1-6 on the student page.
Teacher can do 1 activity a day, or all activities in one class period depending on your internet access for your students and your class timespan.
Website for great teacher background info: The Heart: A Virtual Exploration
Website for real heart photographs: The Heart Structure
Website for viewing blood vessels information: Tubular Circulation
Website for viewing the pulmonary, and circulation system: Throughout the Body
Interpreting data
Making inferences
Computer literacy
Effective use of Internet resources
Worksheet, Student made Puzzlemaker Crossword, rubric
Worksheet is on the web under Student Activity 5.
Student creates a crossword to reinforce his/her vocabulary skills about the heart parts. Student can actually test another students knowledge by having that student do the crossword for homework.
Rubric can consist of monitoring how well the students answer the questions on the quiz on activity 1, score how well your students are able to move through the website and get 10/10 answers correct on Student activity 3, or correctness on their crossword puzzle.
Students can find a website that describes how the heart is connected to the human body.
Teacher can make a large map of the heart out of red and blue tagboard that matches the one pictured on the student page in student activity 4 link. Teacher can label each part of the heart or not label, depending how difficult you want this to be. Teacher makes cards for some students to hold, ex.: arm, leg, head, lung, liver, stomach, small intestines,etc. Each student as a body appendage needs to hold some bean bags. The lungs need to have a box of ping pong balls to start with. The liver needs to have cards labeled waste. The small intestines need to have cards labeled minerals.
Ex.: One student at a time can walk through the heart as a blood cell going through the atrium to the ventricle. Student can then go to the lungs, pick up oxygen (ping pong balls), and carry oxygen out to an arm. Student drops off oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide(bean bag) and takes it back through the heart to the lungs where it exchanges it for oxygen. Each blood cell needs to collect waste, minerals, carbon dioxide, and oxygen as it wonders through other parts of the body. The same blood cell drops off these items at the appropriate places in the body. The cycle repeats itself. This will reinforce the function of the heart to the human body.
Enrichment lessons on the internet:
These are some additional lessons that can help your students reinforce how the heart functions in the body. You can click on the lesson name and it will link directly to the lesson.
http://sln.fi.edu/biosci/activity/bio-3.html Make a model of a cell.
http://sln.fi.edu/biosci/activity/bio-5.html Heartbeat imitation and dissection of heart.
http://sln.fi.edu/biosci/activity/bio-2.html This is an enrichment lesson to test student heart rate.
Additional Websites to find Teacher background information: (not checked for valid pages)
Human Heart Sounds: www.geocities.com/HotSpringes/9596/
Structure of the Human Heart: www.sln.fi.edu/biosci/structure/structure.html
Integrated Music and Science: www.fi.edu/biosci/history/database.music.html
Integrated Literature with Science: www.fi.edu/biosci/history/database.lit.html
Map of the Heart: www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/heart/heartmap.html
The Human Heart: A Living Pump www.atlcard.com/pump.html
Human Heart (Ventricle) www.harefield.nthames.nhs.uk/nhli/protein/hdvent/