Periodic Table Cards

Periodic Table Cards Web Quest

Purpose: learn about the Periodic Table used in Chemistry

Created by: Ms. C. Lemire, M.A.

Newport-Mesa Unified School District


Resources Needed:

EXAMPLES - a full sheet of cards and a close-up of a single card

Notice hydrogen has a split top and should be colored each top half for the 2 groups it belongs to.

grade 7-8

11 pre-printed sheets of elements 1 through 88 scissors

10 basic colors of colored pencils or crayons (felt pens bleed through too much)

chemistry information from your text and the internet

*work in a group of at least 4 people at all grade levels

grade 9-12 

11 blank white card stock sheets and regular paper to practice on computer to draw element design on-screen scissors

10 basic colors of colored pencils or crayons (felt pens bleed through too much)

chemistry information from your text and the internet

*work in a group of at least 4 people at all grade levels

Your Task:

grade 7-8

I.    Cut apart the cards and arrange them on a large table top as seen in the Periodic Table of Elements.
II.   Color top half of the cards for groups I-VIII (from left to right) in the following manner:

*don't color in the characteristics circles

Red = group I Orange = group II Yellow = group III Green = group IV

Blue = group V Violet = group VI Brown = group VII No Color = group VIII

III.  Color bottom half of the cards for periods 1-7 (from top to bottom) in the following manner:

*don't color in the characteristics circles

Red = period 1 Orange = period 2 Yellow = period 3 Green = period 4

Blue = period 5 Violet = period 6 Brown = period 7

*the Lanthanide series belongs to period 7 so the bottom of the card is the same color.

IV.  Read your text and check the Internet to color in the characteristics circles for each element.

Use pencil lightly or black lightly to fill in the circles. Suggested links:

grade 9-12

I.    Design the element cards as shown. Include the element characteristic circles as follows:

All cards have circles for = metal, non-metal, metaloid, transition, alkali earth metals, alkali metals, halogens, and noble gases.

II.   Cut apart the cards and arrange them on a large table top as seen in the Periodic Table of Elements.

III.  Color top half of the cards for groups I-VIII (from left to right) in the following manner:

*don't color in the characteristics circles

Red = group I Orange = group II Yellow = group III Green = group IV

Blue = group V Violet = group VI Brown = group VII No Color = group VIII

VI.  Color bottom half of the cards for periods 1-7 (from top to bottom) in the following manner:

*don't color in the characteristics circles

Red = period 1 Orange = period 2 Yellow = period 3 Green = period 4

Blue = period 5 Violet = period 6 Brown = period 7

*the Lanthanide series belongs to period 7 so the bottom of the card is the same color.

VII. Read your text and check the Internet to color in the characteristics circles for each element.

Use pencil lightly or black lightly to fill in the circles. Suggested links: see table above.


A Few Internet Resources:


Created August 6, 1999
Last Revised August 9, 2000

Teacher Notes

Science Content Standards:

Science-Grade 7-Investigation and Experimentation

7b Utilize a variety of print and electronic resources (including the World Wide Web) to collect information as evidence as part of a research project.
7c Communicate the logical connection among hypothesis, science concepts, tests conducted, data collected, and conclusions drawn from the scientific evidence.
7d Construct scale models, maps and appropriately labeled diagrams to communicate scientific knowledge (e.g., motion of Earth’s plates and cell structure).
7e Communicate the steps and results from an investigation in written reports and verbal presentations. 

Science-Grade 8-Investigation and Experimentation

9e Construct appropriate graphs from data and develop quantitative statements about the relationships between variables.
9f Apply simple mathematical relationships to determine one quantity given the other two (including speed = distance/time, density = mass/volume, force = pressure x area, volume=area x height).
9g Distinguish between linear and non-linear relationships on a graph of data. 

Science-Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12-Chemistry

1a How to relate the position of an element in the Periodic Table to its atomic number and atomic mass.
1b How to use the Periodic Table to identify metals, semimetals, nonmetals, and halogens.
1c How to use the Periodic Table to identify alkali metals, alkaline earth metals and transition metals, and trends in ionization energy, electronegativity, and the relative sizes of ions and atoms.
1d How to use the Periodic Table to determine the number of electrons available for bonding.
1f *How to use the Periodic Table to identify the lanthanides and actinides, and transactinide elements, and know that the transuranium elements were man made.
1g *How to relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its quantum electron configuration, and reactivity with other elements in the table.

S.C.O.R.E. Lessons Standards Search by Grade and Subject
S.C.O.R.E.  Standards and Framework
California Content Standards Grades K-12
California Content Standards Grades K-12 - Science -PDF Format


Students need to know about the use of symbols to represent the elements. It is best if they design the card sets themselves (grades 9-12) by providing the cardstock for students to manually construct on computer (first choice) or paper and pencil (last choice). For grades 7-8, provide the cards pre-printed for expediency but let them cut apart.


Interpreting data: the student will recreate the periods, groups, properties, and characteristics to see the relationships logically and visually.
making inferences: the student will recognize and be able to state the trends implicated by the organization of the Periodic Table.
forming hypotheses: the student will describe in writing the anticipated trends possible based on the existing characteristics.
making predictions: the student will predict the characteristics of the members of the groups and periods in the Periodic Table with the previous trends.
graphing: the student will line graph the electronegativities and any other values provided by the Periodic Table trends. (grades 9-12 and Enrichment)
Presentations -PowerPoint or Hyperstudio: the student will create a thorough explanation of any one trend using charts, graphs, pictures and video as available to student and class. Should not be longer than 5-8 minutes.
Computer literacy: the student will vary in their depth of access and knowledge, however, the student should show improvement over prior experience.
Effective use of Internet resources: the student will use at least 10 internet sources  from a variety of types using electronic management.


In class activity: Groups of four students color code periods and groups then spread out cards in order of Periodic Table and compete by gathering cards and holding up to be scored.
Individual activity: presentation of electronic work by demonstration or submission belonging to requested properties or characteristics. Presentations -PowerPoint or Hyperstudio, Student created web page, worksheet,peer evaluation all optional.
rubric: depends on grade level and depth of work/time. Suggestions:

grades 8-7

4 points = all correct, complete, on time, neat, on computer if available
3 points = 75-80% correct, complete, some design errors, turned in same day, computer use sporadic
2 points = over half correct, mostly complete, neatness questionable
1 point =  over half correct, some incomplete work, neatness not considered, no computer use

grades 9-12

Group Grading = evaluate progress and score daily. Have final competition for groups and give points for placing.

Individual Grading = the student will create a thorough explanation of any one trend using charts, graphs, pictures and video as available to student and class. Should not be longer than 5-8 minutes.


Presentations -PowerPoint or Hyperstudio, Student created web page; writing electron orbital patterns on reverse side of element cards.