I Dig Dinosaurs!!
Purpose: To Experience a Virtual Dinosaur Dig.
Click here to see a sneak preview of what you'll discover!
Click the green BACK arrow to return.
Created By: Cathy Murray
7th Grade Science Teacher
Tustin Unified School District, Tustin, Ca
National Science Foundation Mentor Teacher
Resources Needed:
Connection to the Internet and a copy of "I Dig Dinosaurs!!" Movie Quest.
Your Task:
Print the Movie Quest Worksheet and dig into your Virtual Dinosaur Dig!

Go to movie now
1. Ready to start your virtual Dinosaur Dig?
Click on the movie link below to view a movie of finding, digging, and excavating dinosaur bones.
This is an hour long movie with a "commercial" at the beginning for the dance program at Ball State University in Indiana. Move the diamond on the Quick Time Player to 7:35 to begin the actual dinosaur dig. Once to the site, scroll down to the "View here" button.
Print yours to get the most out of your experience in the Vrtual Dinosaur Dig!
Movie Quest Worksheet .PDF format (above)
Requires Acrobat Reader
2. Who is Sue?? How did she get her name??
Click on "Who is Sue" for a list of interesting questions with intriguing answers that you can find at the following site: (no link exists)
3. Here's an awesome link to see skeletons of your favorite dinosaurs!
You can also pick your favorite ones to research!
It is a virtual tour of the Dinosaur Exhibits at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.
(Dead link)
Hope you had fun!
Come back and see us any time!!
A Few Internet Resources:
Sheppard's Science Resources
Sheppard's Useful Links
Email: cj4murray@aol.com
Created August 18, 2000
Last Revised August 22, 2000
Teacher Notes
I Dig Dinosaurs!!
Suggested Grade Level: 7th
California State Science Content Standards:
This Webquest covers the following 9 standards:
3c "...Fossil and comparative anatomy provide a basis for the theory of evolution."
3d "...Classsify living and fossil organisms by shared derived characteristics."
3e "Extinction of a species occurs when the environment changes and the adaptive characteristics of a species are insufficient for its survival."
4b "The history of life on Earth has been disrupted by major catastrophic events, such as major volcanic eruptions or the impact of an asteroid."
4c "...Rocks are often found in layers with the oldest generally on the bottom."
4d "Evidence from geologic layers and radioactive dating indicate the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old, and that life has existed for more than 3 billion years."
4e "Fossils provide evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed."
4f "Movements of the Earth's continental and oceanic plates through time, with associated changes in climate and geographical connections, have affected the past and present distribution of organisms."
4g "...Explain significant developments and extinctions of plant and animal life on the geologic time scale."
The following are links for additional California State Standards and Lesson Planning Information:
S.C.O.R.E. Lessons Standards Search by Grade and Subject
S.C.O.R.E. Standards and Framework
California Content Standards Grades K-12 - Science - PDF Format
Students may use this webquest as an introduction into dinosaurs and fossils, or as an activity to enhance and underscore the information you have presented to them in class. Computer literacy is very helpful, however, this webquest will lead even beginners through the steps of effectively navigating the Web.
Interpreting data, making inferences, forming hypotheses, making predictions.
Presentations -PowerPoint, student created diorama of "Then and Now", worksheets.
Presentations -PowerPoint, student created web pages that demonstrate mastery of concepts.