Body Builders
Body Builder Web Quest
Created by: Barbara H. Wagner
Newport Beach, California, USA
Area of Study: Human Anatomy
This Web Quest is based partially on the Canadian Digital Collections. Each section requires the student to watch a Brainpop movie, take a quiz and do an experiment. You are allowed to see three Brainpop movies per day. For unlimited access to BrainPop movies you must have your school pay a small fee.
Objective: Students will be able to identify and understand the functioning of the human body.
Body Builders
We all live in our bodies. It is important that we understand how our bodies work so that we will be able to take good care of them while we are here on earth in these spectacular containers! Your body is covered by your largest organ and is supported from within by your foundation, your skeletal system! All of your body systems have to work together in order to keep you alive and well. You will be exploring the parts of your body by using web resources. Be sure that you open up your word processor so that you can complete your Web Quest and print out the results. You will be given specific task and instructions. You may use the resources on this page or you can use the Search engines to find what you are looking for. Remember to make reference of all the web sites that you use during this web quest. Record the URL and a brief description of each site that you use.
Web This Web Quest was Based on a site form the "Canadian Digital Collections" Since then they have changed servers and some of the original content is not available. I have found some
resources that you may find helpful. Unfortunately you cannot access the resources on this WebQuest as originally designed. Do not despair this is a good WebQuest with excellent resources.
G. Sheppard:
For a General Overview of the Human body: Have your students watch a Brainpop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment.
Next visit the "ThinkQuest' site - The Human Body. ThinkQuest sites are designed by students.
BodyQuest - An Interactive Tour through Your Body - ThinkQuest, Taiwan [Select: "Tour"] Tutorial, experiments, and search for terms.
Virtual Body - Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation Brain, digestive system, heart, and skeleton.
In addition to the hyper links in this WebQuest the following web sites offer additional information.
Be sure to try the "Enrichment links" at the bottom of this page.
(A) Your Foundation
Bones, beneath it all!
Click on the links below:
Read about your skeleton here!
1.) Who has more bones, children or adults? Explain your answer.
2.) How many bones make up the outside part of your ear? Explain your answer
3.) Why do you need your bones? (You also need them to build your blood cells!)
4.) Visit this web site and ask your teacher for directions.
5.) Check out this cool x-ray of your hand bones.
6.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment.
Extra Credit:
Find a web site that tells you the name of your collar bone, your chin bone, your lower jaw!
(B) Getting Oxygen into your blood!
Your Lungs and Respiratory System
Click on the links below:
The Respiratory System
More about the Respiratory system
1.) How does air get into your lungs? Tell about the muscle and the tubes involved.
2.) Explore some of the other activities from the web sites above.
3.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment.
(C) Keeping the blood moving!
The heart and circulatory system
Click on the links below:
Read about your heart and circulatory system here
1.) In your own words tell what your heart does for your body. (What does it deliver to cells?)
Hint: Why do you breathe? What happens in the lungs?
2.) How many chambers in the human heart? Where does blood go from the right side, the left side?
3.) What kind of blood vessels are in your body? Tell where they lead.
4.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment.
(D) Providing fuel for your machine!
Getting energy to the cells
Digestive System
Digestive System
Click on the links below:
Read here about the digestive system
1.) When food is in small enough pieces tell what happens to it in the small intestine.
2.) When food is absorbed into the blood, where is it going?
(remember.....cells need energy to stay alive!) (Remember.......Food stores energy)
3.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment.
(E) Keeping the Blood clean!
Kidneys & the Excretory System
Click here to read about the kidneys
1.) What is happening at the kidneys? (Hint: What do the trash collectors get on pick-up day?)
2.) Where is the urine stored after it is filtered out of the blood?
3.) How many times a day do your kidneys clean your blood? (busy little filters, huh?)
4.) Try to Find a that is includes information about the kidneys and other parts of the excretory system. Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment
(F) Moving your Machine!
The Muscular System
Click here to find out about your muscles
1.) How many muscles are there in your body?
2.) Write about what it takes to make sure your muscles are healthy.
3.) Explore the following web site. Ask your teacher for directions.
4.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an experiment
Extra Credit:
Find a web site that tells you the name of the following muscles::
-the muscles you sit on, the muscles that bends your arm, the muscle that points the foot.
(G) Running the machine
The Brain and Nervous System
Read about the brain by clicking here
1.) How big is your brain?
2.) Tell about how your brain operates your machine!
3.) Watch the Brain Pop Movie, take the quiz and do an activity.
Check out the Visible Human Project - Anatonomy slices - Choose your slice from head to toe!
Ask the Experts - Topics in Biology from Scientific American
Puzzlemaker Vocabulary Review. Create Crosswords, Word Searches and much more and print them out from "Puzzlemaker"
SPL Anatomomy Browser - From Harvard University. Investigate various structures of the body, including MRI images.
Play a game "Constipation Concentration" and other human body activities. Click on the Scizone for more fun activities SciZone at the top of page from the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, Canada.
A few Internet Resources:
Sheppard's Science Resources
Sheppard's Useful Links
Created August 7, 1998
Revised, February 25, 2003